Pocket Bird

by Axeline 24 Group



Pocket Bird is a community made up of people sharing their luggage space in a vehicle, bag or pocket. Taking the courtesy of others, you can mail a letter, send a package or even arrange a move quickly and easily. When you need to transport something, people going in the same direction will help.Do you miss some homemade cucumbers prepared by your grandma during your studies? And shipping and packing them was unprofitable.Have you ever gone for a longer period to work or study in another city or country, taking only one large bag with you? Unfortunately, when it was time to go back, you realized that this bag was not enough to take all your belongings back that you had accumulated over that period.Courier companies, due to the fact that you have many items to take, such as: a desktop computer, a bicycle, a guitar and three large bags, outdo each other in transport offers for you, which, unfortunately, in many cases exceed the value of your belongings, which are often sentimental for you .Havent you ever gone to the other end of the country for a wedding and in all the rush you forget to take your suit with you?I think all of us have moved somewhere. The problem is where to find a person or company that is worth recommending and will not damage half of our things during the move?These are just a few examples that motivated us to create a solution for sharing luggage space through the Pocket Bird application, which, in line with the idea of ​​Crowdshipping, allows us to solve all the above problems!